Curriculum Vitae

Monday, June 20, 2011

Moving on

The cliché feast or famine comes to mind as I write this post.  I have been interviewing for full-time English faculty positions throughout this past year and recently received the perfect offer.  Then I received a second perfect offer.  Both positions are in the state where I have lived most of my life, Virginia, but are far enough from my current home that we (husband, sons, dog) have to move.

As a result of my good fortune in finding my dream job in a slim market, we have just over six weeks to sell our current house, buy a new house, get acclimated to a new neighborhood, begin middle school (son # 1), begin 4th grade (son # 2), and find the perfect teaching position (husband). This may account for why my shoulders are tensed up to my ears.

It could also be this: John and I have been on a non-stop attack of unfinished projects at our house to prepare it for the market.  We had a list of projects to complete this summer, but have had to dispel previous notions of working all summer long to complete our work.  The new deadline is...tomorrow. Within the past few weeks we have restored front and back porch floors, painted, plastered, hung drywall, weeded, and de-cluttered to make the house look like the one we wished we lived in (instead of the one that is an artistic disaster overflowing with Lego and Star Wars creations).

Anyone who knows us knows that we have spent most of our free time over the past five years restoring this house.  It has been a lot of fun designing and building spaces that honor the architectural beauty of our 115 year old folk Victorian with all of the modern conveniences that us city-folk from Northern Virginia expect.

Here are the pictures from the current listing. I hope you like them.

Here are some pictures of projects along the way. I hope you are entertained by them.
Be grateful when things go your way. Be patient when they do not.


  1. Hey now, I have been to your place and I have just one question.....

    Where did you take the pictures in the listing?

    On a more serious note, congratulations! I warned you I was a bit psychotic (or maybe that was psychic!)

  2. I know! It is amazing what can be accomplished when you move half of the house's contents to the garage (and have a killer moving sale).
